Lumpectomy/Partial Mastectomy in Murfreesboro, TN

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When it comes to addressing breast cancer,, lumpectomy, also known as a partial mastectomy, stands as an option for most patients. Dr. Lindsay Keith, a trusted Surgical Breast Oncologist in Murfreesboro, TN, specializes in this procedure, which involves the removal of abnormal tissue while preserving the surrounding healthy breast tissue. With a strong emphasis on preserving breast health and achieving optimal outcomes, Dr. Keith’s surgical expertise and precision make her a trusted choice for lumpectomy and partial mastectomy procedures.

Definition and Explanation:

Lumpectomy, or partial mastectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to remove the tumor or abnormal tissue and a small amount of normal tissue from the breast while preserving the surrounding healthy breast tissue. This approach allows for targeted tumor removal while retaining the natural appearance and functionality of the breast. It is often but not always combined with radiation, to complete breast conservation.

Preserving Healthy Breast Tissue:

Preserving healthy breast tissue is of utmost importance in lumpectomy and partial mastectomy procedures. By selectively removing the tumor or abnormal tissue, she aims to safeguard the surrounding healthy breast tissue, minimizing the impact on breast appearance and function. Preserving healthy breast tissue promotes overall breast well-being and contributes to a positive post-surgical experience.

Surgical Expertise and Precision:

Dr. Lindsay Keith’s surgical expertise and precision play a pivotal role in lumpectomy and partial mastectomy procedures. With extensive experience in breast surgery and a deep understanding of the complexities involved, Dr. Keith approaches each case with meticulous attention to detail. Her surgical precision ensures accurate tumor removal while minimizing the impact on healthy breast tissue. Patients can trust in her skill and expertise to provide optimal surgical outcomes.

Benefits and Potential Outcomes:

Undergoing lumpectomy or partial mastectomy offers several benefits and potential outcomes. By selectively removing the tumor or abnormal tissue, this procedure allows patients to preserve their breast while effectively treating breast cancer. Benefits may include a reduced risk of post-surgical complications, shorter recovery times, and a more natural breast appearance compared to more extensive surgical interventions. Dr. Keith will guide patients through the potential outcomes, ensuring they have a clear understanding of the procedure’s benefits and what to expect during the recovery process.

Natural Appearance Preservation:

Preserving the natural appearance of the breast is a key consideration in lumpectomy and partial mastectomy procedures. Dr. Lindsay Keith understands the significance of self-image and body confidence for her patients. Through her surgical expertise, she strives to minimize the impact on breast shape and symmetry, allowing patients to retain a natural-looking breast contour. By preserving the natural appearance of the breast, Dr. Keith helps patients maintain their sense of femininity and overall well-being. Sometimes, patients may even qualify for a breast reduction procedure to be included in their cancer operation.


When it comes to lumpectomy and partial mastectomy procedures in Murfreesboro, TN, Dr. Lindsay Keith stands as a compassionate and highly skilled Surgical Breast Oncologist. With a focus on preserving healthy breast tissue and maintaining a natural appearance, Dr. Keith’s surgical expertise and precision ensure optimal outcomes for her patients. If you are seeking personalized care and comprehensive treatment for breast-related conditions, contact Dr. Lindsay Keith to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards preserving your breast health with precision and care.