High-Risk Breast Cancer Screening: Your First Line of Defense by Dr. Lindsay Keith

Dr. Lindsay Keith


Early detection is critical in the fight against breast cancer, particularly for individuals at high risk. As a dedicated breast surgeon, Dr. Lindsay Keith provides high-risk breast cancer screening to ensure timely detection and treatment.

What is High-Risk Breast Cancer Screening?

High-risk breast cancer screening is a preventive measure that involves more frequent and comprehensive testing for individuals who have a higher-than-average risk of developing breast cancer. This might be due to family history, personal health history, genetic predisposition, or lifestyle factors.

Who Should Consider High-Risk Screening?

High-risk screening is recommended for individuals with:

  1. A family history of breast cancer, particularly in close relatives.
  2. Known genetic mutations that increase the risk of breast cancer (e.g., BRCA1 or BRCA2).
  3. A history of radiation treatment to the chest before the age of 30.
  4. Certain breast changes such as atypical ductal hyperplasia or lobular carcinoma in situ.

High-Risk Screening with Dr. Lindsay Keith

Dr. Lindsay Keith employs the most advanced screening techniques, including 3D mammography and breast MRI, to accurately identify any abnormalities. She understands the anxiety that comes with being at high risk and is committed to offering thorough, compassionate care.

Patient Support

Dr. Keith’s team is dedicated to providing you with the highest level of care and support. From scheduling your screening to discussing results and potential next steps, our goal is to ensure you feel understood and supported.

Contact Us

If you believe you are at high risk for breast cancer, contact us today. Dr. Lindsay Keith is here to guide you through the process, discuss your risk factors, and provide expert medical advice.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. How often should I get screened if I am at high risk?

    The frequency of screening varies based on your individual risk factors. Dr. Keith will create a personalized screening schedule for you.

  2. What if my high-risk screening reveals abnormalities?

    If any abnormalities are found, Dr. Keith will discuss the results with you and work out an appropriate action plan, which could include further testing or treatment options.

  3. Can high-risk screening prevent breast cancer?

    High-risk screening doesn’t prevent breast cancer, but it can help in detecting the disease at an early stage when it’s most treatable. Early detection often leads to more successful outcomes and a wider range of treatment options.