Intraductal Papillomas: Diagnosis and Treatment by Dr. Lindsay Keith

Dr. Lindsay Keith


Intraductal papillomas are benign (non-cancerous) breast conditions. Dr. Lindsay Keith offers expert diagnosis and treatment for this condition, providing personalized and comprehensive care.

About Intraductal Papillomas

Intraductal papillomas are small, benign tumors that grow in the milk ducts of the breasts. They can cause symptoms like nipple discharge, usually clear or bloody. While most commonly found in women nearing menopause, they can occur in women of any age.


To diagnose intraductal papillomas, Dr. Lindsay Keith employs a combination of clinical examination, imaging tests like ultrasound or mammogram, and if necessary, a biopsy to examine the cells of the breast tissue more closely.

Treatment Options

Treatment for intraductal papillomas often involves surgery to remove the papilloma and the affected part of the milk duct. In some cases, if the biopsy reveals atypical cells or the patient experiences ongoing symptoms, a broader surgical approach might be recommended.

Treatment by Dr. Lindsay Keith

Dr. Lindsay Keith provides individualized, evidence-based treatment for patients with intraductal papillomas. She prioritizes your comfort and safety, ensuring you understand your treatment options and feel confident in your care plan.

Patient Support

Facing a breast condition like intraductal papillomas can be emotionally challenging. Dr. Keith and her team are committed to providing you with the support, resources, and reassurance you need throughout your journey.

Contact Us

If you’re dealing with nipple discharge or suspect you might have an intraductal papilloma, schedule a consultation with Dr. Lindsay Keith today. Your health, comfort, and peace of mind are our highest priorities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Are intraductal papillomas cancerous?

Intraductal papillomas are typically benign, meaning they are not cancerous. However, they can increase the risk of developing breast cancer in some cases.

2. Do all intraductal papillomas require surgery?

While surgery is a common treatment option for intraductal papillomas, not all cases require it. The choice of treatment depends on various factors, including the presence of atypical cells, the size and number of papillomas, and the patient’s comfort and preferences.

3. Can intraductal papillomas recur?

Yes, intraductal papillomas can recur, especially if there are multiple papillomas. Regular follow-ups with your healthcare provider can help monitor for any recurrence.