Chemical/Enzyme Peels in Murfreesboro

Reveal Your Skin’s True Potential at Lindsay Keith, MD

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1830 Heritage Park Plaza Murfreesboro, TN 37129

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Peel & Preserve Radiance Service Page for Murfreesboro, TN MedSpa

Step into our Murfreesboro MedSpa and discover the transformative power of Peel & Preserve Radiance, a specialized treatment that combines the efficacy of both chemical and enzyme peels. This service is expertly designed to shed the outer layer of your skin gently and efficiently, revealing the smoother, clearer, and more youthful complexion beneath.

Ideal Solutions Offered by Peel & Preserve Radiance

Our Peel & Preserve Radiance treatment effectively addresses various skin concerns:

  • Acne and Acne Scarring: Helps reduce the appearance of blemishes and scars for clearer skin.
  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Smooths out signs of aging for a more youthful appearance.
  • Uneven Skin Tone and Texture: Evens out pigmentation and smooths skin for enhanced texture.
  • Sun Damage and Age Spots: Lightens sun spots and reduces sun damage effects.
  • Dull Complexion: Revitalizes your skin, restoring a healthy, vibrant glow.

How Peel & Preserve Radiance Works

Our Peel & Preserve Radiance treatments are tailored to each client’s specific skin needs, combining the powerful effects of chemical peels with the gentle exfoliation of enzyme peels. This dual approach ensures deep exfoliation and effective turnover of skin cells without harshness, incorporating a nourishing European double cleanse and massage. This not only promotes cell renewal but also infuses the skin with vital nutrients, enhancing overall skin health and radiance.

Why Opt for Peel & Preserve Radiance?

  • Customized Treatments: Each session is specifically tailored to your skin type and concerns, ensuring personalized care and optimal results.
    • By customizing the treatment, we maximize the effectiveness and minimize potential irritation or downtime.
  • Comprehensive Skin Rejuvenation: Provides a thorough renewal of the skin’s surface, leading to a significant improvement in skin quality and appearance.
    • Regular treatments can progressively diminish signs of aging and other skin imperfections.
  • Enhanced Skin Absorption: Improves the skin’s ability to absorb and benefit from skincare products.
    • Post-treatment, your skin becomes more receptive to treatments and moisturizers, boosting their effectiveness.

Duration of Peel & Preserve Radiance Procedures

Peel & Preserve Radiance treatments are quick and efficient, designed to fit into your busy schedule:

  • Standard Session: A 30-minute treatment perfect for a quick yet effective skin refresh.
  • Extended Session: A 60-minute comprehensive treatment for more intensive skin concerns.
  • Add-On Option: A 20-minute peel can be added to any other service for enhanced results.


Expected Results and When to See Them

Immediately following your treatment, you might notice a more radiant glow and smoother skin texture. Over the following days, as the skin begins to heal and regenerate, you’ll see a more pronounced improvement in overall skin appearance. Optimal results, such as diminished wrinkles and reduced pigmentation, are typically observed after a series of treatments.

Your Peel & Preserve Radiance Experience

  • Before Treatment: Avoid sun exposure and any form of exfoliation or harsh skincare products for at least one week.
  • During Treatment: Experience a relaxing, rejuvenating process with minimal discomfort, supervised by our expert aestheticians.
  • After Treatment: Post-treatment care involves hydration and sun protection to enhance healing and maintain results.

Recommended Frequency for Peel & Preserve Radiance

To achieve lasting beauty and maintain the youthful radiance of your skin, we recommend undergoing a Peel & Preserve Radiance session every 4 to 6 weeks. This regularity helps sustain the health and clarity of your skin, keeping it bright and youthful.

Ready to transform your skin with our Peel & Preserve Radiance treatments?

Ready To Get Started?

Get in touch today to arrange your appointment and take the first step towards achieving beautifully refreshed skin.

FAQs about Chemical/Enzyme Peels

These peels can dramatically improve skin texture, tone, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, clear acne, and lighten hyperpigmentation.

Some peels might cause a slight tingling or warming sensation, but they are generally well-tolerated. The intensity depends on the peel’s strength.

Results can often be seen immediately after the peel, but full benefits are typically visible after the skin completes its peeling process, usually within 7-14 days.

It’s crucial to follow a post-peel regimen that includes gentle cleansing, moisturizing, and strict sun protection to enhance the healing process and results.

It depends on the type of peel and individual skin response, but typically, light peels can be done monthly, while deeper peels may require more time between sessions.